Format of CITIES.TXT

Blank lines are ignored. All text in a line after a # sign is ignored.

A line with a city has the following format:

"<Name of city>", <Latitude>, <Longitude>, <TimeZone>
<Name of city>
Name of city.

Latitude of city in the format xx,yyZ, where xx is the degrees, yy the minutes and Z either N (for North) or S (for South).

Longitude of city in the format xx,yyZ, where xx is the degrees, yy the minutes and Z either E (for East) or W (for West).

<Time Zone>
Time Zone of city relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
       GMT-xx        xx hours are subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time
       GMT-xx:yy        xx hours and yy minutes are subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time
       GMT        Greenwich Mean Time is used
       GMT+xx        xx hours are added to Greenwich Mean Time
       GMT+xx:yy        xx hours and yy minutes are added to Greenwich Mean Time