Jewish Calendar Calculation  *)
Generating month calendars in Russian or Ukrainian
For English, German, French and Dutch click here
For Hebrew click here, for Yiddish click here, for Turkish click here, for Czech, Polish or Romanian click here, for Greek click here

Generating a month calendar

From to (1583-3000)

Date conversion

List of Jewish holidays

Birthday and Yahrzeit calculation for several years

Geburtstags- und Jahrzeitberechnung für mehrere Jahre

Zmanim calculation


Time format: 24 hour 12 hour (AM/PM)

Consideration of daylight savings time
      Beginning: in
      End: in
Alot Hashachar (16.1° below horizon):     Alot Hashachar (72 minutes before sunrise):
Earliest Tallit (11° below horizon):     Earliest Tallit (10.2° below horizon):
Hanetz Hachama:            
Kriat Shema (M"A):     Kriat Shema (GR"O):
Tefila (M"A):     Tefila (GR"O):
Chatzot (GR"O):     Chatzot (M"A):
Mincha Gedola (GR"O):     Mincha Gedola (M"A):
Mincha K'tana (GR"O):     Mincha K'tana (M"A):
Plag Hamincha (GR"O):     Plag Hamincha (M"A):
Shkiat Hachama:            
Tzait Hakochavim (5.95° below horizon):     7.08° below horizon:
3 Medium Stars (7.5° below horizon):     3 Small Stars (8.75° below horizon):
Rabbeinu Tam (sunset + 72 minutes):     Sha'a Zmanit:

There are two possibilities for saving of generated HTML pages which need not always work, since they are dependent of the browser version and operating system:

The saved pages can be, of course, edited in every application (e.g. to add own notes or to change formattings) which supports HTML files - among other things, also Microsoft Word.

In WordPad, which is supplied with Windows, the Hebrew or Yiddish text can be edited in the HTML source code - the Hebrew respectively Yiddish letters are displayed correctly there.

Copyright © by Ulrich Greve (2002/5762)

*) The author is not liable for consequential, incidential or indirect damages of any kind which arise out of the use of the software.

Ulrich Greve
